Train Like the Pros

Granby Fitness has partnered with Goodridge Strength and Conditioning (GSC) to provide the best personal training experience for all ages and fitness levels. GSC offers training services exclusively at Granby Fitness for both gym members and non-members. Whether you’re an athlete looking to take your performance to the next level or a beginner, GSC will customize a plan to meet and exceed your fitness goals. GSC offers convenient and affordable monthly billing plans, and if you’re a member of Granby Fitness you receive a fifteen percent discount, so your membership is essentially paid for when you utilize our personal training services. For more information, visit and learn how you can train like the pros!


Personal Training / Performance Training

Malcolm Goodridge is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with extensive experience ranging from corporate wellness to collegiate and professional athletes. Malcolm has worked with coaches from EXOS, the University of South Carolina, the University of Texas at Austin, St. John’s University, the New York Knicks, Manchester United, and the Boston Red Sox.

Train like an athlete


Train like an athlete 〰️